Hi there! veentagedoo is very busy now. From now on, we having to show the Monster Warlord August Update with the Event: Chapter 1-1 Update: Volcanic Changes.
(Edit: Below the good-bye greeting, New Monsters' Stats has been removed, more info, scroll down until you go to good-bye greeting.)
NOTE: All parts of the update will be discussed.
IMPORTANT: Please update the August Update to enter the game. If not, you can't enter the game unless you will update.
Now, we are ready! Look at the picture below.
Those monsters is also the New Arrival. Destroyer, Niflheim, Muspelheim, Masamune, Ti-tiga and Mega Rush is on the picture.
Stats of each monster is on next post.
Tutorial enhanced
The existing tutorial has been enhanced to one that is more interactive in explaining the contents of the game.
Alliance Recommendation System added
Users that are lower than a certain level or have a low number of Allies will receive Alliance recommendations so that more users may enjoy the game together.
Daily Reward System modified
A 25-day daily reward system will be added. The daily reward system will be reset on the first of every month. The users who log in more during the month will receive better rewards.
Daily Mission System added
Clear daily missions every day to get rewards!
Consecutive Mission System added
Consecutive missions are different from achievements. Complete the missions and get rewards.
Quest System Renovated
Instead of discovering monsters in specific quests, users will now be able to discover monsters at a certain rate in all of the quests.
Arena Battle Special Content: Honor Points / Honor Shop added
Honor Points have been added to Arena Battle. From now on, all Arena Battle rewards will be given based on the Honor Points.
There will be a special Honor Shop where items can only be bought with Honor Points. It has a variety of items that are not available in the regular Shop. The Honor Shop will be updated soon with more items.
Arena Battle Changed Rewards
Rank 1 : 500 Honor Points
Rank 2-5 : 300 Honor Points
Rank 6-10 : 250 Honor Points
Rank 11-50 : 200 Honor Points
Rank 51-100 : 150 Honor Points
Rank 101-200 : 100 Honor Points
10% : 50 Honor Points
20% : 40 Honor Points
30% : 30 Honor Points
40% : 20 Honor Points
50% : 10 Honor Points
100% : 5 Honor Points
Wall feature modified
Users will now be able to block specific users from posting on their walls and can now delete all wall messages together.
Chapter 1 - 1 Update Event Lineup (All events is ended, on the New Monster Collection, the event is ended, you need to claim your rewards on September 15 if you meet the requirements for the rewards.
[Arena Battle Special]
8/20 - 8/27 PDT
Get double the Honor Points for the battles that occur during the event!
Rank 1 : 1000 Honor Points
Rank 2-5 : 600 Honor Points
Rank 6-10 : 500 Honor Points
Rank 11-50 : 400 Honor Points
Rank 51-100 : 300 Honor Points
Rank 101-200 : 200 Honor Points
10% : 100 Honor Points
20% : 80 Honor Points
30% : 60 Honor Points
40% : 40 Honor Points
50% : 20 Honor Points
100% : 10 Honor Points
[New Monster Collection]
8/19 - 8/24 7 pm (PDT)
Try to collect the new monsters that have been added to the top 3 tiers!
Collect the new monsters from the top 3 tiers and get rewards according to the number of monsters collected!
Rewards given for the number of collected Eternal monsters
2-3 Eternal monsters: 500 Jewels
4-5 Eternal monsters: 1000 Jewels
6+ Eternal monsters: 1500 Jewels
Rewards given for the number of collected Mystic monsters
2-3 Mystic monsters: 250 Jewels
4-5 Mystic monsters: 500 Jewels
6+ Mystic monsters: 750 Jewels
Rewards given for the number of collected Infinite monsters
2-3 Infinite monsters: 125 Jewels
4-5 Infinite monsters: 250 Jewels
6+ Infinite monsters: 375 Jewels
* Rewards will be sent out on 9/15.
*Users can get separate rewards for the new monsters collected on each tier.
*Only the monsters added in this update will count as part of the collection. Monsters collected previously will not count.
[Hot Time Combine]
8/19 5 pm - 8/21 5 pm (PDT)
Regular Combine Success Rate 15% UP
Special Combine Jewel Fee 30% Off
Regular Combine Gold Fee 20% Off
Monster Recover Fee 20% Off
2-Tier Monster Upgrade Chance UP
Plus Monster Acquisition Rate UP
The Chapter-style Update has now begun! Be on the lookout! ~ veentagedoo (Mayname-likes-Monster-Warlord)
Next Post: Celebrating Monster Warlord's 2nd Anniversary! For more info, click the web: http://m.gamevilusa.com/forums/showthread.php?182872-Notice-Chapter-1-2-Monster-Warlord-s-2nd-Anniversary-Crazy-Festival-amp-Chapter-1-2-Stormy-Seas-(Edit)
Stay Tuned for:
Fantasy Warlord - Download now for FREE!
Dragons World - Download now for FREE!
~~~ NOTE: Monster Warlord - New Monsters' Stats has been deleted, you will go to Monster Warlord Wikia to find more.
For the New Monsters' Stats, go to Monster Warlord Wikia and click among the 3 you've like to go first: Eternal, Mystic, or Infinite.
The Leader Effect of old and new monsters is same. For ex: if Arch Ares, his leader effect is: energy charging time decrease: 60 seconds, Pi-picar will have 60 seconds reduced by energy, his leader effect.
If you choose Eternal, click among of 8: Pi-picar, Pe-penky, Wi-winsey, Ti-tiga (first 4 is non-plus monsters), Muspelheim, Nicole, Tornado, or Yggdrasil (last 4 is plus monsters).
If you choose Mystic, click among of 8: Masamune, Gina, Blackout, Rush Rangers (first 4 is non-plus monsters), Tin, Hatred, Lady Guan, or Mega Rush (last 4 is plus monsters).
If you choose Infinite, click among of 8: Destroyer, Aqua, Lady Luanacy, Tera (first 4 is non-plus monsters), Niflheim, Tommy, Semi The Hollow, or Onyx (last 4 is plus monsters).
(The New Monsters' Stats has been deleted for some reasons. Why?)
1. It take too long to post. Because it is full of pictures, I need to upload them. It takes too long to upload.
2. It may exit the "Make a New Post", because it is full of adviserments, and I have a chance to exit this post. Kindly please save it or remind me before exit the post. It is really unfair if it is not finished, really back to the beginning. It is my LAST CHANCE for it!
And... Goodbye! ~ Mayname aka veentagedoo ~