Hi there! I really tired to make event here. To view events from Monster Warlord, click this web below:
You must see the events because if you can't see it, you will miss the events if you have a game.
Users, play this Monster Warlord app, this is for FREE!!!
Have Fun! Have a great day! ~ veentagedoo (Mayname-likes-Monster-Warlord)
Dear all Warlords and Users who played Monster Warlord,
Egg Lotto is almost ended. Please notice that the rewards will be given at 2014.06.08.
For the announcement, from the arena, team battle and boss battle, jewels are greatly decrease. According to Ra, if you join arena, team battle and boss battle, you have recieved Rare and Epic for Top 100%.
-> the jewels were given to 1-10. 10 would only given for team battle at higher ranks.
-> Combining monsters were on 40%-55% or 60%, it would be failed for 80%-90% if you combine higher levels such as Supreme.
And, Bad News! Some users complainin what Ra do his fault. Users said "bring back to old game". "rest in peace Monster Warlord". Which means Goodbye Monster Warlord, Goodbye Gamevil. Ares is making the good thing than Ra.
It making the Monster Warlord new update, but they return it to old Monster Warlord.
And lastly, signing up for petition for those who play Monster Warlord and bring back jewels. Over 400 members or Warlords just signing up! By EA101.
Visit Gamevil forum also what would happen next. And comment if you have a question.