Hi there, I'm been make this news in my iPad. I been played cute skin I have been played ~ Mini Carnival from Triniti Interactive. Mini Carnival is a beautiful app I'll been rate. But, it has few problems, be alert!
Actually, Mini Carnival is free in the app store, which means you can play game modes (you and multiple players), buy and sell your skins, edit your templates except you buy the skin in the market; it can't edit the edited skin, also friends, achievements and also you change the username, like the app 'Oh My Heroes!' it can be changed. You can see the leaderboards who is the best. The special is the replay. You can add your videos by using record icon, be sure enable the voice recorder to enable voice. The voice can be used during records. After the record, you will enable or disable the voice you like before it can upload it to your account. After uploading, you can't enable or disable the voice and also editing the caption of the record, you can watch other videos while waiting to upload, you can follow, comment, like the other account.
Enter the player's code so you can earn bigger rewards (gold or Tcrystals). Be sure you know your code before you type it on the fishing area. Fishing area icon is like a fish. Be note, if your fishing rod is broken then if you click it, you can walk around the island for fun, the island has 2 boats; good for fishing, but it costs 500 gold. If you walk around the island and you want the boat without fishing, you waste the many, many and many gold, the boat lasts 5 minutes for 1 player.
The skin is divided into 3; the head, the body also the 2 hands; and the feet. The feet is too small because of the word "mini". It can make to girl or boy. You can sell the skin if you see "salable". You can sell to single, or even 3 parts of skin. Each skin can sell at ones. After selling, go to inventory, you can't see salable of the skin you sell. In the "my listings", here you can collect if anyone sells your skin. Also, after you sell, you have 1 week or 7 days can your skin sold in the market, after the 7 days, the skin can't be sold, bad news, it can't changed into salable after you sell within 7 days.
The game modes are: Flappy Rocket (1 player), Capture the Flag (4 players), Swords n' Guns (8 players, the team divided into 2, each team is only 4 players), The Hunger (8 players), Fishing (12 players, you can chat, fishing, walk around the island), Treasure Hunt (4 players), Crazy Rockets (4 players), Parkour (4 players), Castle Defense (1 player), and the March 2014 update; Tank Wars (4 players, the team divided into 2; each team has 2 players). The game modes rewarded you the gold, the score of each game mode that you can climb out the best score, XP gained to next level, and the Tcrystals, above all, the Tcrystals can't be rewarded after the few minutes.
Comment me if you have questions. Don't forget to like, scout, favorite my art! This is the app "How to Play" for you know, be note, this is VERY IMPORTANT news.
Have Fun! Have a great day! ~ veentagedoo (Mayname-likes-Monster-Warlord)